Install macOS Sierra on Windows VMWare Workstation
Inspired by a post on InsanelyMac, the installation would be as simple as following: 0. Prerequisites VMware Workstation 11 or 12. 1. Prepare the macOS Sierra installer The installer could be extracted from Install macOS Sierra.app which is avalable via App Store. While the package is ready, we could use...
Ubuntu HiDPI Support
I have recently received my ThinkPad P50 mobile workstation and intended to use it for development. And I have used VMWare Workstation to host multiple guest operating systems (since that great machine has 64 GB of memory). However as I’ve installed Ubuntu I found it very hard to read the...
Tech Project Bootstrap Stack
Since a few years ago, we foresaw a vast number of new technologies allowing more agile product development. Those technologies are enabled by a list of nicely-designed tools. In this document, we are going to introduce a few management-related tools. Source Code Management + Agile Issue Tracking Source code management...
Ubuntu inside Mac for Development
Ubuntu is a great choice and provides much better Linux feeling than Mac OS X. And sometimes it’s painful to configure the entire OS X dev box, thus I’ve decided to run Ubuntu with VMWare Fusion for development. VMware is much more powerful than VirtualBox in terms of virtualization technology...
Docker with VMWare
Boot2docker was deprecated in favour of Docker Toolbox, where the latter is much more convenient to kickstart on a vanilla machine. However, it’s a pity that the bundle comes with VirtualBox by default, and I’m using VMWare Fusion for better performance on my dev box. According to Java Bain, a...
Developer Checklist for MacOS
Updated: September 16, 2016, included backup mechanism for Sublime. Here’s my personal checklist while installing a Mac machine: Platforms: Dash Homebrew: Installation: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)", ortherwise available at [http://brew.sh/]; Haskell: Software available online or brew install ghc haskell-platform cabal-install; Node: brew install node will install Node.js perfectly, otherwise...
SSH Tunnel
I should list the useful SSH related things right here:1. Specify connection optionsssh -i sunnybunny.pem -p 222 -vv steve@server.iyyang.com2. SSH Tunnelssh -D 8080 -C -N username@example.comThis would forward all traffic to username@exmaple.com via socks, and we can further set up SOCKS proxy through in browser - to use example.com...
PPTP VPN with CentOS 7 + firewalld
I've recently tried to install PPTP VPN server on CentOS 7 but still having some issues. After spending sometime we figured out a way let the service properly working with firewalld.A detailed instruction is presented by Digital Ocean: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/how-to-install-pptp-vpn-on-centos-7To make it working with firewalld, we've made a few updates, and the...